

Many important outcomes are dependent on building a case over a sustained period or in submitting a document, video or giving a live presentation at a certain date. Often, there is much at stake and all is riding on the ability to produce an amazing document, the ability to provide an innovative solution that conforms to stringent specifications, the ability to give a stunning speech, write a sales proposal or any of many other type of submission that must strongly and competitively convince.

The Business Firm is highly experienced in the preparation of such projects, having produced submissions for businesses seeking commercial outcomes, for non-profits seeking grants, for industry groups seeking legislative change, for patient groups seeking medical support, for community & sports groups seeking sponsorship or funding and for government or syndicates seeking to right to hold an event. The Business Firm creates presentations for clients that want to make an impression. Organisations often need to get their message across in an impactful and relevant manner. It may be to sell to a buyer, to showcase to a potential investor, to gain a sponsor, to put your case to government, to launch a product, to inspire or motivate, to demonstrate a product, to give a lecture, to give training or instruction, to arouse interest in a cause, to persuade people of your view or to lead a group through a process. Regardless of your aim, the presentation must grab your audience's attention, it must be professional and above all, it must produce the outcome you want to achieve.

We have enormous experience producing engaging and effective presentations in a variety of formats for clients from all industries, worldwide. We help you right from the start, to define your target audience and your desired outcome. We then develop the most appropriate storyline to ensure your audience is progressed logically through the presentation in a manner that produces belief and confidence in your message and results in the attitudinal shift you intended in your audience. We build a case for their rational and emotional involvement and include the appropriate call to action to trigger a sale, sponsorship, vote or whichever behaviour you direct them toward.

Presentations can be any combination of: spoken, audio recordings, video, PowerPoint slides, visuals, websites, physical props, transparencies, white/blackboards, flipcharts, graphs, statistics, paper handouts, booklets, live music, celebrity & guest appearances, Q&A, panel of experts, industry endorsements, live audience games, iPad distributed content, quizzes, live demonstrations, point-of-sale materials, apps for smart phones, public display kiosks (e.g. large, touchscreen directories in shopping malls and government buildings) and any other creative method that adds weight and impact to the audience.

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The Business Firm prepares high quality, strategic marketing plans for businesses, We create the most efficient, highest-producing marketing system possible. .

Marketing services to win bids



The Business Firm assists Australian companies wishing to access overseas markets such as the U.S., Canada, China, India, Europe and Africa.

We are able to create business strategy that suits different economies and socio-political environemnts; and marketing that is culturally appropriate to that market, to maximise success and minimise business risks for exporters..

If your business is ready to explore exporting, we encourage you to please contact us to arrange an initial, free Skype consult that carries no obligation for you. Note that we are able to accommodate calls in English and Italian and that all consults are conducted during Central Australian business hours.

Almost any existing businesses that is already doing well in their domestic market is leaving extraordinary money on the table every month by not pursing an export strategy. Most of the buyers after all, are outside Australia. By conducting prelimanary market research for your company, we can determine for you how to make your current offering spectacularly more attractive to buyers in foreign markets; and so dramatically increase your chances of export success and your global market share. And if you are already participating in a foreign market, we can conduct research for you that returns information about your brand and how it is perceived in that market.

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